
Surgical Scars in Miami, FL

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Surgical Scars

Reduce the appearance of your surgical scars quickly and effectively with laser treatments.

Diminish unwanted surgical scars

Reduce the appearance of your surgical scars quickly and effectively with laser treatments.  Laser treatments use powerful technology to reduce the look of scars without harming surrounding skin. In just a few easy treatment sessions, your surgery scars are much less visible, leaving behind smoother, more attractive skin.

How it works

Advanced laser technology is used to target and break down scar tissue that makes up your unwanted scars. The energy delivered causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process revealing smoother, more even-looking skin.

*Package Of 3 Sessions

Scar Treatment – Small Area – $500

(Breast Augmentation, Lipo Incisions)

Scar Treatment – Medium Area -$800

(Face Lift, Verticle Mastopexy, Calf Implant, Pectoral Implant)

Scar Treatment – Large Area – $1000

(Breast Reduction, Full Mastopexy, Abdominal Plasty)


What can I expect following the treatment?

You may experience temporary redness and swelling at the treatment site which should last only a few days. Speak with your provider to discuss other possible side-effects and the necessary post-treatment care.

How long are treatments?

The treatment can be performed in as little as 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients see results in 3-7 treatments. The optimum number of treatments can vary, so please work with your provider to develop a plan that is right for you!

What type of result can I expect to see?

Most patients see the scar lighten in color and become more even in texture.

Is there any downtime?

For most patients there is no downtime, allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately after!

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