
Chemical Peels

Facial Chemical Peels (TCA)

At the Brickell Riverfront Surgery Center, we provide procedures to bring out inner beauty on all levels, including the skin. This is why we offer facial chemical peels, which remove the top layers of skin to reveal the healthy, youthful skin underneath. Chemical peels can reduce the affects of sun damage, fine wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation.

Dr. Gershenbaum can control the intensity of a chemical peel by adjusting the amount of time the peel is applied and it’s strength. Our clinic utilizes TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels.

TCA peels are strong enough to provide noteworthy results and requires no anesthesia. Most patients have minimal discomfort and report a mild burning sensation. Skin will turn brown and peel over seven to ten days and leave a healthy more refreshed appearence.

Patients are asked, however, to avoid exposure to intense sunlight for the first few weeks following the peel.