At the Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami, liposuction brings contour and youthfulness to many areas of the body and face. Dr. Sam Gershenbaum utilizes tumescent liposuction with many other procedures, including facelift and abdominoplasty, performed at our cosmetic surgery center in Miami, Florida. Liposuction, also known as liposculpture, can be used for the removal of large or small amounts of fat to add shape and contour to the body, taking years off a patient’s appearance, and helping you live a healthier lifestyle.
Miami Liposuction
Liposuction is an approach to body contouring that removes excess subcutaneous fat through tiny incisions. Liposuction can be used alone or in combination with other procedures for cosmetic, posttraumatic, or reconstructive surgery. The distribution of fat is determined by three factors: heredity, metabolism and diet. Heredity determines the location and number of individual fat cells, which are fixed and unchanged after puberty. Metabolism and diet may increase or decrease the amount of fat in each cell, however it will not affect the number of fat cells or their distribution.
At the Miami Center facility, located in Brickell, we use liposuction for the most precise removal of fat deposits, because it is the only proven way to reduce fat in localized areas of the body. There is no way to “spot” reduce or selectively diet away specific areas of localized fat. With liposuction, the actual fat cells are removed, making the procedure permanent. As a result the body will always have less fat in the treated areas. If weight is gained following this procedure, the remaining fat cells will enlarge along with the other fat cells throughout the body, however, your body will retain these improved proportions.
Liposuction is suitable for patients with minimal to moderate fat accumulation that is not correctable by restrictive weight loss, dieting, and exercise. Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss, although it has been reported, perhaps anecdotally, to have the beneficial side effect of stimulating patients achieve better weight control.
The ideal candidate for liposuction has localized areas of excessive fat and otherwise normal body weight and good skin elasticity, and is also free of any complications or preexisting medical conditions, including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, skin/connective tissue disorders, etc.
Improvement in technique at our Miami center has made liposuction possible to treat patients of all ages. Liposuction is not successful in treating generalized obesity. Patients who are generally overweight, but who exhibit unsightly bulges of fat, are also candidates for treatment of these areas.
Because liposuction does not reduce the amount of skin present, the best results are obtained in those patients with good skin tone/elasticity because their skin readily contracts to the newly contoured frame. Pleasing and satisfactory results can also be obtained in older patients with somewhat less skin elasticity. Those patients with more skin laxity, or poor elasticity may benefit from or require removal of the excess skin to achieve intended results, as would be the case in an abdomen with hanging loose skin or abdominal “apron”
In Miami, liposuction is now nearly as common for men as for women. The areas commonly treated are:
- Abdomen (Abdominoplasty)
- Calves and Ankles
- Hips and Waist
- Chest – Male and Female
- Flanks and Back
- Arms
- Inner, Outer, Anterior Thighs
- Under the Chin/Double Chin Area
- Buttocks
- Face
- Knees
In a related procedure, fat augmentation or transfer can be used for cosmetic purposes. These fat cells can be harvested to be used for cosmetic augmentation and contouring of different areas of the face, including the brow, cheeks, jaw line, and lips. It can also be used in the tops of the hands, and to aid in the correction of body contour defects. Fat may also be frozen and saved, to be used later, until desired results are obtained. The buttocks are also a common area for fat augmentation.
Liposuction Surgery in Florida
Through tiny incisions, no more than the width of a pencil eraser, a tiny stainless steel tube or “cannula” is used to sculpt the fat in treated areas. The small cannula reduce trauma and allow greater precision and control.
At our facility in Miami, we use a method known as tumescent liposuction, a state-of-the-art technique in which large volumes of saline with local anesthesia and medications are used to reduce bleeding. Tumescent liposuction allows the removal of more fat with less bleeding. It is a safer procedure, producing superior results. Because diluted anesthesia remains in the fat after liposuction surgery, postoperative discomfort is greatly reduced and easily controlled with medications.
Dr. Sam Gershenbaum also believes that this advanced liposuction technique of superficial liposculpture, combined with the tumescent technique is a primary reason for his exceptional results. Dr. Gershenbaum performs superficial liposculpture where fat is meticulously sculpted or “planed down” just under the skin surface, allowing the skin to contract and redrape over the newly contoured frame. A thick layer of fat connected to the undersurface of the skin will prevent optimal skin retraction.
Liposuction surgery is also performed in the deeper layers as well, when larger amounts of fat are being removed. Because much of the work is done just under the skin layer, which has elastic properties, superficial liposculpture allows greater skin retraction, as well as the ability to feel and correct contour irregularities.
Ultrasonic liposuction is another method that uses ultrasonic energy waves transmitted to the tip of suction cannula to emulsify, or break down, the fat cells before suctioning. It is associated with a higher complication rate and is not able to be used for superficial liposculpture because of potential damage to the skin.
Since fat (adipose) occupies volume without much weight, patients will often experience a significant difference in their contour and measurements, yet actual weight is minimally affected. One liter of fat weighs only 1.5 to 2 pounds.
Treatment of “cellulite” is a common question, although it has no precise medical meaning. Most people use the word to refer to dimpling and irregularities that occur on the surface of the thighs. While liposuction is not a cure, it will remove fat and reduce contour. However, it is important to know that liposuction surgery will not remove irregularities, ripples, waviness or dimpling of the skin.
Miami liposculpture surgeon Dr. Sam Gershenbaum prefers liposculpture patients to be at their normal weight. Dr. Gershenbaum believes he can better contour problem areas that may not be adequately treated if the patient has been on a diet that will not be maintained. Dr. Gershenbaum always emphasizes healthy eating and exercise.
Liposculpture surgery is performed at our facility in Miami, and depending on the extent of the surgery, may be performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, epidural or under general anesthesia. The procedure usually takes one to two hours per area.
Following liposuction surgery, half-inch foam padding is applied to the treated areas, which significantly reduce bruising. An elastic binder or girdle is applied over the foam padding. The foam padding is removed after four days. The remaining support garment is worn continuously for one to two weeks, and then may be removed during sleep for up to two additional weeks. Sutures (stitches) are removed seven to ten days after the surgery. Bruising (discoloration) will, in most cases, subside two- to three-weeks.
Although dramatic contour changes can often be seen with the removal of the foam padding in four days, postoperative swelling can remain for four to six months. Discomfort is usually minimal, and is easily controlled with oral medications. Light exercise often starts after one week with more strenuous exercise beginning at two weeks.
In Miami, and throughout the country, liposuction has become one of the most commonly performed procedures. As with most cosmetic surgery procedures, complications are unlikely when performed by a skilled and competent surgeon. Complications such as bleeding, anesthesia risks, infections, scarring, permanent numbness, and fluid accumulation under the skin are all reduced by the expert skill and precision Dr. Gershenbaum brings to our center in Brickell, Miami..
Contact our cosmetic surgery office for more information on liposuction.
Liposuction is a procedure designed to reshape and slim various areas of the body. During this procedure, excess fat deposits are removed; thus, improving the proportion and contours of the patient’s body. This procedure is not intended to replace diet and exercise or to treat obesity. Instead, liposuction is meant to address areas that are resistant to diet and exercise.
Areas of the Body That Miami’s Premiere Plastic Surgeon Can address with Liposuction
Dr. Sam Gershenbaum is a premier plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Miami who frequently performs liposuction/Liposculpture surgery to assist individuals in eliminating fat deposits from areas of the body that remain despite a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Dr. Gershenbaum can use liposuction to address localized fat deposits in the:
- Abdomen and chest area
- Thighs and inner knees
- Waist and hips
- Back
- Buttocks
- Upper arms
- Ankles
- Calves
- Cheeks and chin
- Neck
Dr. Gershenbaum can perform liposuction for his patients in Miami alone or in conjunction with other procedures. Many of Dr. Gershenbaum’s patients choose to combine liposuction with a breast reduction, a Rhytidectomy (facelift) and an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
What Liposuction Cannot Do
Liposuction cannot effectively treat the dimpled skin (cellulite)that is commonly seen on the hips, thighs and buttocks. In addition, this procedure does not address loose, sagging skin.
Who Should Consider Liposuction?
The best candidates for a liposuction procedure in Miami are:
- Individuals who are within 30 percent of their ideal body weight with good muscle tone as well as firm, elastic skin.
- Nonsmokers.
- Healthy adults who do not have a medical condition that impairs their ability to heal.
- Adults with specific body contouring goals in mind and a positive, realistic outlook as to what liposuction can accomplish.
Tumescent Liposuction
When performing a liposuction procedure, Dr. Gershenbaum uses an innovative technique referred to as tumescent liposuction. This technique involves the use of large volumes of saline in conjunction with local anesthesia and medications.
There are several advantages to using this approach. Benefits include:
- No need for intravenous fluid replacement.
- Less blood loss.
- The risk of infection may be decreased due to the use of bacteriostatic lidocaine.
- The lipid-soluble lidocaine used in this procedure may be suctioned out as the aspirated fat is removed.
- A decrease in the likelihood that the patient will need a secondary liposuction procedure to meet his or her goals.
Ultrasonic Liposuction (UAL)
During a UAL procedure, high-pitched sound waves are used to liquefy the fat in a specific area. Once liquefied, the fat is removed via liposuction. In Miami, UAL procedures are primarily used to remove fat in hard-to-treat areas of the body. These areas include the midsection (love handles), chin, male breast tissue, cheeks, neck, ankles, knees and calves. For patients requiring more precise contouring, Miami Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Gershenbaum frequently uses ultrasonic liposuction in conjunction with tumescent liposuction.
UAL may also be used to add additional contouring to areas previously treated with liposuction. However, UAL is linked with an increased complication rate as it has the potential to damage the skin. Therefore, this procedure cannot be used when performing superficial Liposculpture.
An Initial Consultation with Dr. Gershenbaum in Miami
When patients arrive for their initial consultation with Dr. Gershenbaum at his office in Miami, they need to provide him with information related to their medical history.
This information should include:
- Current medications (dosage amounts and frequency taken), vitamins and herbal supplements
- Medical conditions (i.e., diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
- Drug allergies
- Medical treatments
- Surgical procedures
In addition, patients should be prepared to discuss:
- What he or she would like to accomplish with liposuction.
- His or her lifestyle choices, including whether he or she smokes, drinks alcohol and/or uses recreational drugs.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Gershenbaum will also:
- Evaluate the patient’s general health status.
- Address any pre-existing conditions and/or risk factors.
- Discuss the patient’s options.
- Recommend the treatments that he believes will achieve the goals of the patient
- Take pictures of the areas the patient would like him to address. These photos will be placed in the patient’s file.
- Discuss probable outcomes.
- Patients are encouraged to ask questions during their initial consultation with Dr. Gershenbaum in Miami.
Preparing for a Liposuction Procedure
Prior to the procedure, a patient may be asked to:
- Visit his or her physician for a physical.
- Have routine medical tests performed, including blood work.
- Adjust or discontinue taking current medications, vitamins, and/or herbal supplements.
- Avoid taking certain over-the-counter medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
- If applicable, stop smoking for at least four weeks before the procedure and four weeks after. Smoking inhibits the body’s ability to heal itself because nicotine constricts the blood flow in the tissues. Second-hand smoke should also be avoided during this time.
- Since patients receive anesthesia, they will need someone to drive them home following their procedure. Furthermore, Dr. Gershenbaum recommends that patients ask a trusted family member or friend to stay with them for at least the night of their procedure.
The Liposuction Procedure
Patients need to arrive with their driver.
1. Anesthesia
An anesthesiologist will administer medications to ensure the patient remains comfortable throughout his or her procedure. Medication choices include general anesthesia, intravenous sedation and local anesthesia. Dr. Gershenbaum will recommend the type of medication he believes will serve the patient better.
2. The Incisions Are Made
Small, inconspicuous incisions are created. These incisions are about the width of an eraser on the end of a pencil. A tiny, stainless steel tube (cannula) will be inserted through these incisions.
3. Diluted Local Anesthesia is Infused
Directly before inserting the cannula, Dr. Gershenbaum will infuse diluted local anesthesia into the area being treated. Infusing this anesthesia reduces the amount of trauma the body experiences and decreases the incidence of bleeding.
4. The Cannula is Inserted
The tiny, stainless steel tube is inserted through one of the incisions and Dr. Gershenbaum systematically moves the cannula back and forth to loosen the excess fat.
5. The Dislodged Fat is Removed
Once the fat is loosened, it is suctioned out of the body with a syringe that is attached to the cannula or with a surgical vacuum.
6. Closing the Incisions
Once Dr. Gershenbaum has completed removing the excess fat, he will use sutures to close the incisions.
7. Foam Padding is Applied
To significantly reduce bruising, Dr. Gershenbaum applies half-inch foam padding to the areas he treated with liposuction.
8. A Girdle or an Elastic Binder is Applied
Once the foam padding is in place, patients receive a girdle or an elastic binder.
This compression garment helps to control inflammation, applying pressure to the skin and accentuating the new body contours achieved through liposuction.
Going Home
Prior to being released to his or her driver, patients receive specific instructions to follow.
These instructions may include:
- If applicable, information related to the medications that Dr. Gershenbaum has prescribed.
- How to properly care for the surgical site.
- When to schedule a follow-up appointment or information regarding an already scheduled follow-up appointment with Dr. Gershenbaum at his office in Miami.
- The signs that indicate an individual needs to seek medical assistance.
When necessary, Dr. Gershenbaum provides his patients with medications. Therefore, patients typically experience minimal discomfort.
Following a liposuction procedure, patients should expect to have some fluid retention and swelling. Once the fluid retention and swelling subside, patients will be able to see their improved body contour. That said, on many occasions, patients notice dramatic contour changes following the removal of the foam padding.
Patients usually start a light exercise program one week after their procedure and more strenuous exercises at the two-week mark.
Removing the Foam Padding
Four days after surgery, the foam padding is removed. Patients will continue wearing the support garment 24 hours a day for about two weeks. After the initial two weeks, patients may be able to remove the garment while they are sleeping: Typically, patients continue wearing their support garment during their waking hours for up to two weeks.
Suture Removal
Sutures are removed within 7 to 10 days of the procedure and discoloration (bruising) usually subsides within three weeks.
The Results
- Postoperative inflammation may continue for four to six months.
- Provided a patient maintains a stable weight, results achieved with this procedure are long lasting.
- As the body ages, some firmness is lost; however, most of the improvement attained with a liposuction procedure is relatively permanent.
- It could take several months for all inflammation to dissipate. As it does, the patient’s new contours and enhanced self-image become apparent.
- The key to a successful result is following Dr. Gershenbaum’s instructions.
Dr. Sam Gershenbaum is a board certified, award-winning, plastic and reconstructive surgeon who provides a variety of aesthetic medicine services to individuals from around the globe. If You have excess fat deposits that have not responded to diet and exercise, a liposuction procedure may be the answer to achieving your aesthetic goals. If you reside in or around Miami, or you plan to visit this area, contact Dr. Gershenbaum’s office today at 305.933.1838.