
Breast Lift in Miami, FL

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Breast Lift Surgery In Miami

An internationally renowned surgeon, Dr. Sam Gershenbaum is known throughout Florida for his outstanding ability to create beautiful, shapely breasts. At his Brickell Riverfront Surgery Center in Miami, he performs breast lift surgery for discriminating patients. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to perform the same role as a properly fitting bra, namely supporting the breast in an uplifted position – revealing more fullness, shape, and cleavage. A breast lift generally removes only excess and loose skin, as compared to breast reduction, which reduces the amount of actual breast tissue besides skin reduction. The breast lift procedure can also correct enlarged areolas, as well as correct asymmetry.

Dr Gershenbaum reports many women from Miami and across the country have chosen to undergo breast lift surgery, particularly those whose breast shape and contour does not fit their self-image. Body image is an important part of feeling good, desirable, and normal. Most women compare themselves to a cultural idea of beauty. Commonly, women with sagging breasts and breasts with loose, stretched skin are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. These changes can be a result of genetics, pregnancy, weight loss, and aging or any combination thereof.

An ideal candidate for a breast lift procedure, or mastopexy, is someone who is uncomfortable with the amount of loose skin and sagging of her breasts. An ideal breast lift patient is also free of any complicating pre-existing medical conditions including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, skin/connective tissue disorders, etc.

Breast Lift Consultation

The initial consultation is extremely important to review the patient’s medical history, goals, and expectations, as well as build mutual trust and rapport. Numerous breast lift before and after photos are reviewed at our office in Miami, Florida. The breast lift surgical procedure is carefully explained and the alternatives are discussed. Many patients are choosing to incorporate an absorbable mesh across the base of the breast before incisions are closed. This absorbable mesh slowly absorbs over one to one and a half years and leaves behind a stronger collagen network to help further support the breast in the elevated position. Understand that each patient has different breast contours, sizes and different expectations and requests. No one procedure can be expected to fulfill each individual’s needs.

A complete evaluation reviewing expectations and a physical examination is needed to determine the best choice of procedure(s) for each individual patient. The breast lift surgical plan, as well as the incision/scar placement, is reviewed.

It is also important to understand that breasts are naturally asymmetrical. Every effort is made to make the breasts symmetrical and as close as possible to the desired size. However, no guarantees as to the exact size, shape, or symmetry can be made by any plastic surgeon.

Prospective patients are encouraged to speak with previous patients about their breast lift surgery and result while Dr. Gershenbaum and his staff are always available for questions. Following the initial consultation and after appropriate time for reflection and decision-making, an appointment is scheduled for routine preparation and informed consent. Additional questions and concerns regarding the breast lift surgery may also be addressed. Routine blood analysis, a mammogram, and medical clearance are required prior to surgery

Standard Breast Lift Surgery

Miami breast lift surgeon Dr. Sam Gershenbaum uses a “keyhole” pattern or “anchor” shaped incision. The incisions made during breast lift surgery extend in three different directions:

  1. Entirely around the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple)
  2. From the areola in a vertical direction down the crease under the breast
  3. Horizontally along the fold or crease under the breast extending for a variable length

Breast lift surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia at our state-of-art outpatient facility Brickell Riverfront Surgery Center in Miami, Florida. Local anesthesia with intravenous sedation may also be used in some circumstances. Depending on which breast lift technique is used, the surgical procedure could take anywhere from two to five hours. Prior to breast lift surgery, the lines of incisions, the new nipple location, and remainder of the surgical plan is outlined on the breasts and reviewed with the patient. After speaking with the anesthesiologist, the patient is brought to the operating room. Once the patient is asleep, the surgical incision areas are infiltrated with lidocaine and a medication to reduce bleeding. Dr Gershenbaum always spends the extra time to confirm all the markings and measurements using a “tailor-tack” technique before making any incisions. A “tailor-tack” technique sews and joins all the tissue/skin together, making adjustments as needed, to preview the result before any incisions are made. It takes longer, but produces the most reliable results.

Generally, the greater the amount of lifting, the longer will be the horizontal portion of the scar. Excess skin is removed and sculpted from the inner and outer quadrants of the breast and from the area above the nipple. The size of the areola is generally reduced, if required, during the procedure. The remaining breast tissue and nipple are relocated in this keyhole pattern and the incisions closed. If an absorbable mesh is used, it will be positioned across the base of the breast and secured to the chest wall before incisions are closed. This absorbable mesh slowly absorbs over one to one and a half years and leaves behind a stronger collagen network to help further support the breast in the elevated position.

Dr. Sam Gershenbaum does not use clips or staples to close the skin. All incisions are closed with absorbable sutures below the surface of the skin to avoid cross-hatching suture marks and to optimize the chances for the finest scars.

Breast implants may also be used concurrently with a breast lift procedure to enlarge the breasts. Others may simply choose a conservative size implant or even “auto augmentation” to preserve fullness in the upper portion of the breast. This auto augmentation procedure utilizes a portion of breast tissue left connected to the chest wall and its blood supply. This segment of tissue is moved up and secured to the chest wall in an elevated position prior to closing all incisions.

Additional Breast Lift Surgery Techniques

Dr Gershenbaum offers several techniques to lift and reshape the breast and reposition the nipple. The size of the breasts, the amount of loose skin and sagging, along with patient expectations will determine the extent of the mastopexy incisions. The size of the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple) would also be reduced during the procedure if desired. A minimal scar breast lift procedure is aimed at reducing scars:

With a circumareolar-vertical or “lollipop” incision technique, the skin is elevated and the excess is removed from around and under the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple). The resulting scar extends completely around the areola and vertically down to the crease under the breast. A breast implant may also be performed concurrently with a breast lift to either increase the overall size or to simply enhance the fullness in the upper portion of the breast.

With a circumareolar or “Benelli” type breast lift surgery (sometimes referred to as a “donut” mastopexy), the excess skin is removed from around the areola only. This procedure is best suited for conservative elevation of the nipple-areolar complex. The resulting scar extends completely around the areola. Similarly, a conservative size breast implant may be placed to enhance the fullness in the upper portion of the breast.

Breast Lift Recovery

Following breast lift surgery by Miami surgeon  Dr. Sam Gershenbaum, patients generally report mild to moderate discomfort, which is easily controlled with medications. This will vary somewhat depending on the extent of surgery and procedures performed.

When breast implants are used in conjunction with a breast lift procedure, increased swelling and fullness in the upper part of the breast or chest area and in the midline between the breasts may be noted. Varying degrees of swelling, bruising, and firmness subside over several weeks to months.

The circumareolar-vertical and circumareolar breast lift techniques often result in varying degrees of “pleats” or folds around the incision, which will resolve over time. Dr Gershenbaum uses absorbable sutures under the skin to avoid cross hatching marks on the skin.  Patients can generally return to work after several days to one week. Light exercise may begin after four to six weeks. A support bra is worn for two to three months following breast lift surgery and is encouraged as much as possible thereafter to maintain the contour.

Following breast lift surgery, recovery, and healing will vary from patient to patient and depend on the extent of the surgery. It must also be remembered that complete healing takes time and patience, taking up to one year or longer before realizing the final results of the surgery. It can take this amount of time for scars to soften, lighten, and fade as well as for the breast tissue to soften, relax, and remodel itself. If implants were used, they too will settle over many months to come.

The breasts will get slightly smaller and descend to a certain extent as swelling subsides and the effects of gravity and tissue relaxation act on the newly tightened skin envelope. Most patients find this beneficial in that the breasts look more natural over time. The ability to breast-feed after a breast lift (mastopexy) is generally preserved, but cannot be guaranteed.

What does a breast lift cost in Miami?

The cost of a breast lift in Miami will vary depending on several factors including the practice, the surgeon, the surgery center and the anesthesia provider whether physician or nurse anesthetist. A breast lift or mastopexy cost will also vary with the size of the breasts and type and extent of the lift procedure being performed. Is mesh being used that wilt ‘rq cost to the procedure ?  Performing a breast lift on a B cup breast for a woman who has lost a bit of weight is different that a breast lift on a woman with DD breasts.  Also, please check out the article on my website under patient education, What’s In A Surgical Fee to help better understand why prices vary. In general, the cost of a breast lift in Miami will range from $6000 to $9000.  For more information on breast lift surgery, or to schedule your appointment, please click here to our Contact Form, or simply call 305-933-1838…….. Because YOU deserve the best!

Complications Associated With Breast Lift Surgery

As with most cosmetic surgical procedures, complications are unlikely when performed by a skilled and competent surgeon. Complications can include, but are not limited to: anesthesia risks, bleeding, infection, tissue loss, delayed wound healing with obvious wide and/or raised scars, numbness, altered nipple sensation, asymmetry in breasts and/or areolas, enlarged areolas, and need for revision surgery. If breast implants are used, all the potential risks/complications for breast augmentation will also apply.

Also rare, but possible, are blood clots or emboli (blood clots which dislodge and travel in the blood stream to distant sites), which can be fatal.

At the Brickell Riverfront Surgery Center, Venodyne® calf compression devices are used for every breast lift surgery (as well as other surgeries). A Venodyne® is a pressure cuff that fits over each lower leg from the ankle to the knee, circulating every one to two minutes to reduce the pooling of blood in the lower extremities and further reduce the possibility of blood clots or emboli.

Smokers must stop smoking well in advance of surgery. Smoking seriously decreases blood circulation in the skin, which increases the risks of complications and poor healing.

Breast Lift Photo Gallery

Check out Dr. G’s work in our breast lift photo gallery filled with a vast amount of before and after images.

If you’ve been considering a breast lift, come to our Miami Brickell Riverfront Surgery Center and contact Dr. G and his staff today to schedule a consultation.

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