
Male Breast Reduction in Miami, FL

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Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is the medical term that is used to define a non-cancerous (benign) abnormal growth of breast tissue in males. Dr. Sam Gershenbaum is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who addresses gynecomastia with Male Breast Reduction surgery (also referred to as gynecomastia surgery). Males of all ages who have enlarged breasts due to this condition frequently feel extremely self-conscious about their chests. Following gynecomastia surgery with Dr. G in Miami, FL., the patient’s chest will appear more masculine; thus, improving his self-esteem and increasing his level of confidence.

See Before & After Photos of Gynecomastia Surgery Here

Characteristics of Gynecomastia

This condition is distinguished by a mass of glandular tissue that measures approximately 0.5 cm in diameter with glandular tissue growing to various sizes below the nipple-areola complex. Although gynecomastia can affect a single breast unilaterally), this condition usually affects both of the breasts (bilaterally).

Gynecomastia is characterized by:

  • an over development of glandular tissue in the breast(s); as well as
  • excess fat.

Gynecomastia can occur in men of any age, as well as in adolescent males during puberty. While there are other treatment options available, male breast reduction surgery is the most effective solution because the excess glandular tissue and fat are surgically removed. On occasion, to achieve optimal results, Dr. G may also need to remove excess skin during a gynecomastia surgery.

How Common is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia occurs much more frequently than many people realize. It is not uncommon for males with enlarged breasts to feel as if their bodies have betrayed them. These individuals may avoid going to the beach or the swimming pool as well as participating in certain physical activities requiring a lot of motion (i.e., basketball, baseball, running/jogging, etc.), or changing their clothes in a locker room.

In addition, a man may avoid intimacy with his partner due to embarrassment linked to his enlarged breasts. Furthermore, a teenage boy with this condition may be taunted by his peers; thus, negatively affecting his self-esteem and his confidence level.

As a leading expert in male chest enhancement (including pectoral implants), Miami Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Sam Gershenbaum treats male breast enlargement on a regular basis: His artistic vision, experience and skills allow him to provide his patients with a natural-looking, masculine chest through male breast reduction surgery and/or pectoral implants.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Male breast enlargement is usually the result of excess fat and an excessive growth of the mammary gland tissue in the breast. Males who experience breast enlargement solely due to excess fat tissue have what is termed pseudogynecomastia.

What Conditions Can Lead to Excess Tissue in the Breast?

Gynecomastia occurs for numerous reasons, some of which include:

  • hormonal imbalance (estrogen: testosterone);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • being overweight/obese;
  • a medical disease process; or due to
  • a side effect of a drug or medication.

Male Breast Enlargement During Adolescence

Gynecomastia is a common occurrence in males during puberty: This breast enlargement occurs due to the hormonal changes teenage males experience throughout puberty. However, approximately 75 percent of adolescent males with enlarged breasts will not require a breast reduction, as this issue will spontaneously resolve on its own (generally within two years of its initial onset).

Gynecomastia in Men Aged 50 and Above

Approximately 25 percent of men aged 50 and above will have enlarged breasts due to a decrease in testosterone production. However, in approximately 25 percent of all cases, the cause of gynecomastia is unknown. That said, it is theorized that male breast enlargement in these cases may be due to excess levels of estrogen or extremely low levels of testosterone.

In addition, up to 25 percent of gynecomastia cases may result from common medications that are frequently used to treat various conditions. There are certain drugs, products, essential oils and medical conditions/diseases that can cause male breast enlargement.

Some of the medications known to cause gynecomastia are used to treat a variety of conditions/diseases, such as:

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Ulcers
  • An enlarged prostate
  • Heart and blood pressure medications
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Drugs that may cause gynecomastia:

  • Human growth hormone
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Marijuana and amphetamines
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Products containing estrogen or compounds offering estrogen effects can cause male breast enlargement, these products may include:

  • Soaps
  • Cosmetics
  • Shampoos

Essential Oils:

  • Tea Tree oil
  • Lavender oil

Diseases, medical conditions and treatments associated with male breast enlargement in Miami include:

  • Chronic liver disease/liver failure
  • Kidney failure/Dialysis
  • Chemotherapy for cancer
  • Radiation therapy for testicular cancer
  • Hypogonadism and hyperthyroidism
  • Tumors
  • Starvation/Malnutrition
  • Genetic issues related to hormonal imbalances

With an incidence of just 1 in 1,000 men, breast cancer is usually not of concern; however, there are several signs that may suggest the presence of this kind of cancer, including:

  • A defined lump or mass in the breast tissue
  • Skin ulcer(s) on the breast
  • Skin puckering
  • Breast tenderness and/or redness
  • A bloody discharge from the nipple

Males experiencing any of these symptoms need to be evaluated by a breast specialist prior to their male breast reduction surgery with Dr. Gershenbaum in Miami.

What can Male Breast Reduction Surgery with Dr. G in Miami Accomplish?

With male breast reduction surgery, Dr. Gershenbaum can eliminate the excess tissue that is causing the breasts to appear larger. During gynecomastia surgery, any excess breast tissue is removed and the chest is sculpted to reflect a natural, proportionate, masculine-looking chest. Some patients do request that Dr. G perform a pectoral implant procedure at the same time as their breast reduction surgery.

Who Should Have Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Miami?

Just like all other plastic surgery procedures, male breast reduction surgery is an individualized procedure that should only be pursued to fulfill the desires of the patient. Plastic surgery procedures should not be used as a means to achieve any kind of ideal image or to fulfill the desires of someone else.

Male breast reduction surgery with Dr. G in Miami should be considered by individuals who:

  • Have fully-developed breasts
  • Are unhappy with the size of their breasts
  • Have realistic expectations and a positive outlook
  • Do not smoke
  • Do not participate in recreational drug use
  • Are healthy and do not have a life-threatening medical condition or illness that could affect their ability to heal
  • Require a breast reduction because alternative treatments are unable to correct his enlarged breasts
  • Have a positive outlook

While some adolescents may benefit from gynecomastia surgery, each patient is unique; for this reason, Dr. Gershenbaum evaluates each patient thoroughly to determine if male breast reduction surgery will be beneficial for him.

An Initial Consultation for Gynecomastia Surgery in Miami

Medical History

When individuals arrive at Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery in Miami for their initial consultation, Dr. Gershenbaum will want all of the information related to his medical history, medications, vitamins, herbal supplement usage, allergies to medications and/or latex as well as the patient’s lifestyle choices (i.e., smoking, alcohol consumption, etc.). In addition, he will want to know what changes the patient would like made during his gynecomastia surgery.


Dr. G will perform a thorough examination of the patient’s breasts, determine the quality of the patient’s skin, look for any signs that indicate the patient may need to visit a breast specialist as well as take measurements and photos of the breast(s) to be treated.


If Dr. Gershenbaum determines that a breast reduction can provide the patient with the results he would like, Dr. G will give the patient his recommendations. He will also discuss the risks associated with the procedure(s) he recommends. Whether or not the patient needs to have any pre-surgical testing completed prior to his gynecomastia surgery. In addition, the patient may need to visit his primary care physician to be cleared for surgery.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Miami

When Dr. Gershenbaum performs a typical gynecomastia surgery, he removes excess breast tissue to allow the patient’s natural contours to be realized. Furthermore, his expertise and experience allows him to accomplish this without causing any prominent scars or distortion of the breast. However, if excess skin needs to be removed, patients should expect to have some visible scarring: The extent of the scarring depends on how much skin needs to be removed.

As an expert, Dr. Gershenbaum also performs corrective procedures for males who have residual deformity, retractions or depressions from a previous breast reduction surgery where too much tissue was removed.

The Procedure

Patients receive anesthesia during their gynecomastia surgery. Anesthesia is used as a means to keep the patient asleep throughout the procedure. Since gynecomastia surgery is an outpatient surgery, patients need to bring a driver with them on the day of their surgery.

It is important to note that if a patient only has firm glandular tissue behind the nipple, Dr. Gershenbaum will usually use local anesthesia as opposed to general anesthesia. In a case such as this, the patient will remain awake during the procedure.

1. The Incision is made

A small ¼-inch incision is made in the areola (the brown-colored skin surrounding the nipple).

2. The Excess Fat and Tissue Are Removed

To avoid the need to create a larger incision, Dr. G carefully removes small pieces of tissue until the desired result is achieved.

Despite the method utilized, it is essential that the correct amount of tissue is removed without resection of tissue. Resection of tissue would leave a dent, defect, hollowing effect or nipple retraction and deformity. Due to his experience, expertise and dedication, Dr. G’s patients enjoy impeccable results.

3. The Incisions Are Closed

Once he has completed removing the excess tissue, the incisions are closed using stitches.

4. The Surgical Area is Dressed

A foam cover and compression garment are applied to the surgical area.

Other Procedures Performed for Gynecomastia in Miami

A Mastopexy

On occasion, Dr. Gershenbaum needs to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin. In these cases, Dr. G must perform a Mastopexy or remove additional skin to avoid the incidence of hanging skin on the patient’s chest. The amount of redundant skin that must be removed determines the type and extent of the patient’s incisions, and resulting scars.


Sometimes, Dr. Gershenbaum recommends that his patients in Miami have Liposculpture to remove excess fat from the breast, then, he may recommend letting the skin shrink and contract as it heals before removing excess skin. By allowing the skin to naturally contract, when the time comes to remove the excess skin the extent of the incisions and resulting scars will be smaller.

Gynecomastia Revision Surgery

During a revision surgery, Dr. Gershenbaum usually uses Liposculpture to carefully remove residual glandular tissue and excess fat. He will then release scar tissue retractions, add tissue grafts and fat beneath the retracted or depressed areas of the breast.

Pectoral Implants and Gynecomastia Surgery

Males who are interested in correcting their gynecomastia and enhancing the contour and shape of their chests should consider adding Pectoral Implants or body sculpting and Fat Augmentation.

Fat Augmentation of the Pecs

When Dr. G performs Fat Augmentation of the Pecs, he sculpts the fat from areas around the chest. He harvests fat from other areas of the body (i.e., waist/love handles) and adds that harvested fat above the muscle, in the muscle, and under the muscle. This technique allows him to create the patient a developed, muscular-looking chest.

Recovering from Gynecomastia Surgery

The duration of a patient’s recovery depends on which gynecomastia procedure he had for example, the recovery period following Liposculpture is shorter than the recovery period for an individual who had a Mastopexy.

  • Since Liposculpture is much less invasive than the other gynecomastia procedures Dr. G performs at his facility in Miami, the majority of Liposculpture patients can return to work within just a few days.
  • Swelling and bruising following any of these procedures should be expected. Cold compresses can be used to treat bruising and swelling for the first 48 hours following surgery. After the initial 48 hours, patients can begin using warm compresses.
  • Patients need to wear the compression garment provided to them following their surgery for a certain length of time. As each patient is unique, Dr. Gershenbaum determines how long this garment should be worn (typically three to five days).
  • There will be limits placed on physical activity. Again, these limitations depend on the type of procedure the patient had.
  • Within the first two weeks, the bruising and swelling subside, and within a month, most patients can resume their normal physical activities.
  • For at least six weeks following any plastic surgery procedure in Miami, patients need to avoid tanning and/or sun exposure. This is extremely important because spending time in the sun can lengthen the amount of time the patient’s swelling lasts: Furthermore, it can also discolor the incision scars and make them more noticeable.

The Results

Except in the event of a chest injury, the results achieved through a gynecomastia procedure are permanent. To attain the best results possible, patients need to follow all of Dr. G’s recommendations.

Once the swelling subsides (within two weeks) patients will be able to see the results achieved through their gynecomastia procedure.

Individuals from around the globe travel to Miami seeking Dr. Sam Gershenbaum’s assistance in attaining the facial and body characteristics they desire. Dr. G’s dedication, expertise and caring demeanor have made him one of the top plastic and reconstructive surgeons in South Florida. If you have gynecomastia and are considering having plastic surgery to improve the way your chest looks, contact Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery today at (305)933-1838.


Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)

Actually more common than most people realize, many men younger and older are extremely self conscious and suffer with male breast enlargement or Gynecomastia.  As one of the foremost experts in male chest enhancements, including Pec Implants,  Dr Gershenbaum treats gynecomastia on a routine basis. Gynecomastia is defined as benign enlargement of breast tissue in males. It is most common bilaterally, but may occur only on one side. Gynecomastia generally results from hypertrophy of the glandular breast tissue, usually in combination with adipose (fat) tissue as well.

Male breast enlargement due only to excessive adipose (fat) tissue is more correctly termed pseudogynecomastia.

Gynecomastia has many causes and may result from a medical disease process, metabolic disorders, as a side effect from medications or drugs, or as a result of an imbalance in the estrogen : testosterone hormone ratio. Common in teenage males during puberty because of the balance of hormones changing during adolescence. In adolescent males with gynecomastia, 75% spontaneously resolve within two years of onset without treatment. Also common in men over 50, 25% will have gynecomastia due to changes in their hormone balance with less testosterone. Over all, in about 25% of cases, the cause is unknown, but thought to be from an imbalance between the actions of estrogen and testosterone with either the levels of estrogens too high or the levels of testosterone too low as a simplified answer.

Up to 25% of cases are thought to result from the use of many common medications used to treat hair loss, prostate enlargement, cancer, AIDS, anxiety and depression, ulcers and numerous blood pressure and heart medications to name a few. The use of anabolic steroids, human growth hormone and drugs such as alcohol, marijuana and amphetamines have been labeled as a cause of gynecomastia as well. Certain cosmetics, soaps and shampoos have also been associated with gynecomastia as they contain estrogens or compounds with estrogen effects.  Certain people are apparently sensitive to products that contain Lavender oil and Tea Tree oil as well.

Medical /disease condition that are associated with gynecomastia include hypogonadism, tumors, hyperthyroidism, liver and kidney failure, malnutrition and starvation, as well as genetic causes for hormone imbalance.

Breast cancer, uncommon in men have an incidence of about 1 in 1,000. Warning signs that require further evaluation by a specialist include a defined lump or mass on one side, puckering of the skin, nipple discharge, redness or tenderness.

About the Procedure

Correction of gynecomastia is performed by removing the correct amount of excess breast tissue to allow normal and natural contours of the chest without prominent scars or deformity. There are occasionally instances where there is an excess amount of skin which needs excision which would result in scars, the extent of which would depend on the amount of skin removed.

Dr. Gershenbaum also routinely treats patients who have residual deformity, depressions and / or retractions from previous gynecomastia surgery in which incomplete or overzealous removal was performed.

Through the small quarter inch incision in the areola. No large scars are used. Dr. Gershenbaum keeps removing the excess tissue small piece by small piece, until the desired result and reduction is achieved.  For smaller cases where there is only firm glandular tissue behind the nipple area, Dr. Gershenbaum will perform his incomplete piecemeal removal of glandular tissue generally under local anesthesia only. In either case, it is very important to remove the correct amount of tissue without over resection of tissue which will leave a defect, or a dent or hollow or otherwise cause nipple retraction and deformity. Dr. Gershenbaum performs gynecomastia correction surgery routinely and has impeccable results.

When complete, A few stitches are used to close the two small incisions on each side.  A foam cover and elastic compression garment is applied over the surgical area.

There are occasional instances in gynecomastia where there is an excess of glandular tissue, fat and skin requiring some type of skin excision or mastopexy to avoid hanging and redundant skin on the chest. The extent and type of incisions and scars will depend upon the amount of redundant skin. At times, it is wise to simply perform the liposculpture reduction procedure first and then let the skin shrink and contract during the healing process. The natural contraction of the skin post operatively will likely reduce the extent of incisions and scars needed to remove the redundant skin. In other instances, the skin reduction / mastopexy  would be performed at the same time as the removal of excess glandular tissue and fat in the gynecomastia procedure. Dr. Gershenbaum will help in making this decision during the initial consultation.

Correcting Previous Procedures

Dr. Gershenbaum also routinely sees patients who have suffer with deformities from their previous gynecomastia surgery where the previous surgeons have taken too much  tissue and left deformity and / or retracted nipples. In these instances,  Dr. Gershenbaum will sculpt away any residual excess fat and glandular tissue in the surrounding area, generally by  liposculpture,  and then release any scar tissue retractions and then add fat and tissue grafts under the depressed or retracted areas.

And for those patients wish to correct their gynecomastia and enhance the shape and contour of their chest.  Dr. Gershenbaum can perform Pectoral Implants or enhance the pectoral shape and contour with body sculpting and Fat Augmentation. Fat Augmentation of the Pecs includes sculpting the fat from areas of and around the chest, harvesting fat from other areas like the love handles / waist and adding fat under the muscle, in the muscle and above the muscle in the areas that create a developed muscular appearance.

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