
Rhinoplasty (Nose)

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 101

35 year old gentleman only 3 weeks after rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. He wanted a straight but masculine dorsum / bridge as well as correction of his long and drooping tip. Post op pictures are early, however this patient is leaving the country for an extended period. He still has slight swelling on the dorsum / bridge and his tip appears slightly over corrected or over rotated. However, the dorsum will flatten out to a straight profile and the tip will come down slightly over time during the healing process. He is very happy and reports that he obtained the results he was looking to achieve.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 102

45 year old woman from Guyana, South America only 2 weeks after rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. The entire nose was thinned, along with adding projection and elevation to the tip, and height to the nasal bridge. She reports now looking younger and more refined.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 103

30 year old gentleman is now one year after rhinoplasty and chin implant performed by Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. His nasal bridge was straightened, the tip given more projection and his entire nose narrowed. The chin implant dramatically improves the balance and proportions of his face. His self esteem is at an all time high.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 104

23 year old female from Miami area 7 months after rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 105

34 year old male from Miami pictured before and only 3 weeks after corrective rhinoplasty. he has had two previous rhinoplasties elsewhere. he presented with lack of nasal tip definition and projection, as well as a previous catilage graft erroding through the skin bridge between his nostrils.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 106

9 months after corrective rhinoplasty including use of a dorsal graft to smooth out the deformity and irregularities of the dorsum.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 107

23 year old female less than one month after rhinoplasty by reducing the dorsal hump, elevating and narrowing the tip. she also received a premaxillary graft which advances the base of the nose outward creating smoother and softer contours.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 108

31 year old female from Miami 2 months after open Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 109

25 year old female from Miami about 1 1/2 years after rhinoplasty to reduce nasal hump, narrow and elevate the tip and a “binder premaxillary graft”, a horseshoe shapped implant that fits on top of the bone just under the base of the nose to reduce the depressed appearance of the midface.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photo – Case 110

46 year old female from New York 6 months after rhinoplasty to reduce the width of the nose and nostrils, as well as add projection to the nasal dorsum and tip.

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Miami Location

Brickell Riverfront Surgery Center
350 South Miami Avenue CU-C
Miami, FL  33130

Phone : (305) 933-1838

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