43-year-old male from Northern Florida, 2 months after pec implants and lipo-correction of gynecomastia. Note the upper chest fullness accomplished with the use of the vertical-rectangular implants. Further definition of the chest will surely occur with time.
42-year-old male from California, 9 months after correction of nipple deformity after attempted gynecomastia surgery (performed elsewhere) using liposculpture of residual gynecosmastia, dermal grafts and a small pectoral implant.
29-year-old male from North Carolina, 3 years after pectoral implants using soft, solid silicone vertical-rectangular implants.
40-year-old male from England, only 2 weeks after pec implants using the vertical-rectangular type for more superior chest fullness. He will develop further dramatic definition as the weeks pass and healing becomes more complete.
42-year-old man from the Miami area, 9 months after pec implants. Notice the upper chest fullness created by the use of vertically oriented rectangular pec implants.
45-year-old male from the Miami area, 3 months after pec implants. Notice the rectangular, vertically placed implants which create more medial and upper chest fullness.
One year after pectoral implants
46-year-old gentleman from Amsterdam, Netherlands, 6 years after correction of old gynecomastia surgery defects and deformity with liposculpture, dermal grafts and pectoral implants performed by Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. He remains with a dramatic improvement over these 6 years and continues to work out and weight train regularly. He remains very pleased with his results and his decision to have performed this corrective surgery.
39-year-old gentleman from the United Kingdom, approximately 2 years after pec implants performed by Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. A dramatic transformation, but natural appearance of the chest.