

About Facelift Surgery (Miami Facelift Procedures)

A Rhytidectomy (facelift) is a surgical procedure that tightens the skin and smooths the wrinkles on the lower portion of the face. These changes are accomplished by tightening the facial muscles, removing excess tissue and repositioning the skin. Once the skin is repositioned, the excess skin is trimmed away. Thus, reversing the signs of aging.

Facelifts are one of the most popular facial surgeries performed in the United States. Sam Gershenbaum, D.O., is an award-winning plastic and reconstructive surgeon who performs facelifts at his surgery center in Miami to help individuals regain the youthful appearance they desire. A Rhytidectomy is not intended to change an individual’s overall facial characteristics, instead it is designed to restore characteristics lost due to aging. Following a facelift with Dr. G, some people look 15 years younger.

What a Rhytidectomy Can Accomplish

Residents throughout South Florida and individuals from around the globe come to Miami seeking the experience, skills and perfectionism of Dr. Gershenbaum.

Dr. G frequently performs facelifts for his patients to:

  • tighten the jaw line;
  • lift drooping cheeks;
  • eliminate the jowls;
  • lift the mouth and chin;
  • eliminate a sagging neck; and
  • provide them with radiant, more youthful-looking skin.

A facelift provides individuals with long-lasting results. Following their facelift at Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami, the majority of Dr. Gershenbaum’s patients notice improved confidence and increased self-esteem.

What Causes the Signs of Aging?

Collagen is the protein responsible for providing the skin’s elasticity. During our youth, the body produces an abundance of the protein collagen, therefore, the face remains smooth and firm. However, as we age collagen production slows. This leads to weakened cell structures within the skin: The skin thins, becomes more fragile and begins to wrinkle, and sag. In addition, facial fat begins to descend and diminish, and muscles weaken. All of which negatively affects our facial features and the appearance of the neck. Although a Rhytidectomy is unable to stop the aging process altogether, it can provide an individual with a more youthful appearance, basically “turning back the hands of time.”

Volume Loss in the Face

For the majority of individuals, the loss of facial fat is also an issue that leads to a more aged appearance. Studies indicate that there are multiple deep fat compartments within the face that are full during youth, but diminish over time. As this facial fat diminishes, the absence of support for the overlying skin causes the face to appear hollow and the skin becomes loose, and sags. Dr. G can address this loss of volume with a fat volume restoration procedure. This procedure can be performed at the same time as a facelift.

During a fat volume restoration procedure, Dr. Gershenbaum can restore volume to the:

  • cheeks;
  • mid face;
  • lips;
  • temples;
  • around the eyes;
  • under the eyes; and
  • orbits of the eyes.

Are There Any Limitations as to What a Rhytidectomy Can Accomplish?

Yes, for the most part, a facelift will not be able to remove every single line, fold or wrinkle that a patient has on his or her face and neck. There may be limited improvement around the patient’s eyes as well as on the fine lines of the face. In addition, a Rhytidectomy in and of itself will not improve the lines that form around the mouth (commonly referred to as smoker’s lines), poor skin complexion or scars from acne. That said, there are other options available to treat these issues, including dermabrasion, laser treatments and chemical peels.

Can a Facelift Be Combined with Other Procedures?

Yes, at Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami, patients can choose to have a Rhytidectomy at the same time they have a brow lift/forehead lift, cheekbone augmentation, eyelid surgery (upper and/or lower) as well as chin implants.

Who is a Perfect Candidate for a Facelift in Miami?

Anyone who would like to reduce the signs of aging on his or her face and neck who has realistic expectations as to what a Rhytidectomy can accomplish should consider scheduling an initial consultation for a facelift with Dr. Gershenbaum.

When Should an Individual Consider Having a Facelift?

Many individuals choose to schedule an initial consultation for a facelift with Dr. G when they notice that their confidence is being negatively affected by the way they look: As confidence wanes, so does self-esteem. These individuals may notice deep lines and folds running from the corners of their nose down to the mouth (nasolabial folds), drooping cheeks and/or jowls, loose skin on their neck, and deep wrinkles.

An Initial Consultation for a Traditional Facelift with Dr. Gershenbaum in Miami

As with any surgical consultation, patients need to provide Dr. G and his staff with information related to previous surgeries, medical treatments and current medication use.

Other significant information includes:

  • Whether the patient smokes, drinks alcohol or participates in recreational drug use.
  • Medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and bleeding disorders, etc.
  • Herbal supplements and vitamins the patient currently takes.
  • Whether the patient has noticed the signs of aging occurring over a substantial period of time or if these signs have materialized within the last few years.
  • If the patient intends to lose a substantial amount of weight or if he or she has recently lost a significant amount of weight.

There are certain medications, foods, herbal supplements and vitamins that should be avoided for at least two weeks before a Rhytidectomy. Dr. Gershenbaum has provided a list of these items for patients to view on his website.

Since every question asked is geared towards ensuring the safety of the patient as well as to providing the patient with the highest quality of care and the best facelift surgery outcome possible, it is imperative that patients provide Dr. G and his staff with accurate information during their initial consultation at Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami.

After reviewing the patient information, Dr. Gershenbaum will ask the patient what he or she would like to accomplish with a facelift. Dr. G will evaluate the patient’s face to determine which procedures will provide the patient with the best results possible (i.e., fat transfer, brow/forehead lift, etc.).

Areas of the face that are evaluated during the initial consultation include the:

  • mid face;
  • lower face;
  • jowls;
  • eyes;
  • eyebrows/forehead; as well as the
  • facial skin and tissue.

He will also examine the neck to determine the:

  • amount of fat that remains;
  • elasticity of the skin; and
  • degree of muscle descent.

Following the examination, Dr. Gershenbaum will make recommendations as to which procedures he believes will provide the patient with the results that he or she desires: Despite Dr. G’s recommendations, ultimately, the patient determines which procedures he or she would like performed.

Dr. Gershenbaum will explain the facelift surgery in detail. If a patient is interested in any of the other procedures that Dr. G recommends, he will also address those procedures at this time. Dr. Gershenbaum and his staff are dedicated to building mutual trust and rapport with their patients: Therefore, all patients are encouraged to ask questions.

Preparing for a Rhytidectomy in Miami

Prior to a facelift, patients may need to have routine testing performed, including blood work. In addition, patients may be required to visit their family physician for a physical.

Create a Recovery Area at Home

Patients should create themselves a recovery area that has all the items they will need for the next few days within easy reach. These items include the telephone (cell phone and charger), remote controls, medications, water, facial tissue, trash can, extra pillows and throws, etc. Patients will need to keep their heads elevated. Many patients find it helpful to prop numerous pillows up or stay in a recliner until they are able to return to their normal sleeping position.

Patients need to set out clothing that is easy to slip on and take off. Shirts that do not require being pulled over the head are recommended.

The Facelift Procedure in Miami

As no two patients are identical, facelift techniques vary. Rhytidectomy techniques range in complexity from the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) technique, which involves the tightening of the deeper connective tissue that sits directly above the muscles of the face, to superficial skin re-draping with fat contouring.

A Facelift in Miami with Fat Transfer

During many of the facelifts that Dr. Gershenbaum performs, fat is harvested via syringe from remote areas of the patient’s body. This fat is processed and then transferred to add volume to the areas of the patient’s face that look depleted.

Generally, a Layered Technique Provides Natural-Looking Results

Another Rhytidectomy technique involves gently separating the facial tissue and the bone. Once separated, Dr. Gershenbaum repositions and secures this tissue to a more youthful position on the patient’s face. After securing the tissue, he carefully re-drapes the skin and trims away any excess skin that remains.

Typically, a layered technique places most of the tension on the deeper tissues of the face, allowing Dr. G to re-drape the skin gently. Using this layered technique provides the patient with a natural-looking, more youthful appearance without leaving behind any obvious signs of aesthetic enhancement via plastic surgery.

Incision Placement

Placement of the incisions for a Rhytidectomy varies from one patient to the next. Dr. Gershenbaum makes incision placement decisions based on the location he believes will be the most inconspicuous area for a specific patient.

The Basic Incision Placement for a Traditional Facelift

The incision for a traditional facelift starts at the hairline directly above the patient’s ear, this incision extends along the front border of the ear and around the earlobe to behind the ear and then into the patient’s hairline. While there are numerous variations of an incision for a traditional facelift, this is the basic incision.

A Limited Incision

Another incision frequently used is the limited incision. This incision begins at the bottom of the sideburn, continues behind the tiny piece of cartilage sticking out from the ear (tragus) and ends directly behind the patient’s earlobe.

Once the incisions created during a facelift have healed, they will be nearly invisible.

Procedure Length

The length of time a patient is in surgery depends on the extent of the facelift and whether Dr. G is performing any other procedures in conjunction with a Rhytidectomy. Generally, a facelift can last anywhere from four to six hours (sometimes longer).

Once the facelift is complete, Dr. Gershenbaum may place small tubes directly beneath the skin to allow additional fluids that typically build up after surgery to drain. Allowing these fluids to drain reduces inflammation.


Directly after the Rhytidectomy, the patient receives bandages around his or her face. Dr. G usually removes these bandages and drains 24-hours after surgery.

The length of recovery will vary from patient to patient. Another aspect that affects recovery time is the extent of the procedure the patient had. Patients should expect some swelling and bruising after their Rhytidectomy. However, the inflammation generally resolves within 10 days and the majority of the swelling typically dissipates within two-weeks. Most patients will continue to experience some swelling for several months after their facelift.

The majority of Dr. Gershenbaum’s patients are amazed to discover that recovering from a facelift is relatively easy. Patients should expect to feel some tightness and pain. Symptoms can be kept minimal by ensuring the head remains elevated and still. In addition, patients usually receive medication to assist with reducing their pain. The tight sensation a patient feels following surgery generally subsides within the first week of their procedure.

What to Expect During Recovery – Week by Week

Patients should spend the first week following their surgery resting. Patients will be able to resume some light activities during their second week of recovery. Once the third week of recovery arrives, patients are ready to return to work and start going out socially. Approximately four to six weeks after surgery patients are released to resume their normal exercise routine.

The Results

Although swelling is expected after a facelift, individuals will be able to see some of the benefits achieved with their Rhytidectomy right away. As the inflammation begins to subside, the results become even more apparent. The patient’s jawline and neck will look more youthful and the fullness that has returned to the face provides the patient with a refreshed, younger-looking appearance. A facelift does offer long-lasting results, typically lasting from 8 to 10 years.

If you are considering any type of aesthetic enhancement, contact Dr. Sam Gershenbaum today at (305) 933-1838 or via our contact form. Dr. G and his staff are dedicated to providing the residents of South Florida, and individuals visiting Miami from around the globe, with the best products and technological advancements available in the world of cosmetic procedures as well as plastic and reconstructive surgery.


Miami Facelift Surgery

Miami’s facelift expert, Dr. Sam Gershenbaum, brings state-of-the-art techniques and experience to every facial surgery procedure at our Miami, Florida center, including facelift, brow lift, rhinoplastyear reshaping, and more.

A facelift can improve the most visible signs of aging by sculpting and tightening the deeper structures and foundation of the face and neck. As we age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure, weight fluctuations, volume loss, smoking, heredity, and the daily stresses of life begin to reveal themselves in our faces. Facelift surgery can bring youth back to a patient’s face.

Facelifts: Miami Style

In youth, the face is firm and smooth due to good skin elasticity and proper positioning and volume of normal facial fat. As we age, skin elasticity and muscle tone weaken, and facial fat diminishes and descends, causing prominent skin folds, deep creases between the nose and corner of the mouth. Jowls become prominent along with fat deposits and loose skin in the neck.

A facelift won’t stop this process, but it can “turn back the hands of time.” A facelift (technically before and afters referred to as Rhytidectomy) is designed to reduce much of the laxity and many of the heavy wrinkles and folds in the face and neck. It will also improve the contour of the jaw and necklines.

It is now well understood that, for most, facial aging is also associated with facial fat volume loss. Studies have revealed that the face has multiple deep fat compartments. These fat compartments, generally full in youth, diminish in volume over time. As facial fat volume diminishes with age, the overlying skin, no longer full and supported, becomes hollow, loose and sags. Fat volume restoration is often a very important step in facial rejuvenation. Depending on each individuals exam, fat may be restored to hollow, volume depleted areas of the temples, orbits of the eyes, around and under the eyes, the midface, cheeks and lips in conjunction with the facelift procedure.

Getting Your Youthful Look Back

A facelift will not, however, completely remove every fold, line, and wrinkle. There is limited improvement around the eyes and with fine lines of the facial skin. Miami A facelift alone will not improve “smoker’s” lines around the mouth, acne scars, or a poor complexion. Other options exist to treat these problems, including laser treatment, dermabrasion, and chemical peels.

At our Miami, Florida center, many facelift procedures are combined with a forehead and brow lift, upper and/or lower eyelid surgery, and “cheekbone” (malar) augmentation. Frequently, chin implants are placed to improve the profile proportions of the jaw line and increase the projection of the chin. These additional procedures may be performed at the same time and in combination with facelift and neck lift surgery or as independent procedures at a later date.

Facelift Techniques

It is important to realize that there are numerous facelift techniques. These range from superficial skin re-draping and fat contouring to and tightening the deeper connective tissue just over the muscle layer. Other facelift techniques include the separation of the facial tissue from the bone and then repositioning and securing this facial tissue in a better position before re-draping the skin and removing the excess. In general, a layered technique will place the majority of tension on the deeper tissues, allowing a gentler re-draping of the skin. This facelift technique results in a natural, more youthful appearance without tell-tale signs of plastic surgery. Understand that no single technique is appropriate for every patient. As each face is unique, the most appropriate facelift technique or combination of techniques must be adequately determined to optimize each individual result.

At the Aventura Center in Miami, the exact placement of the facelift incisions will varies from patient to patient, at the discretion of Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. These incisions are planned and made to be as inconspicuous as possible. All incisions are closed with small sutures (stitches).

Procedure time for a facelift will vary greatly depending on the surgery, the extent of surgery, and the choice of techniques. A facelift may generally last from four to six hours or longer at times.

Facelift Options

For patients who only exhibit early signs of aging, or those who simply do not desire a complete facelift, our Miami, Florida-area center offers several options to obtain desired goals. A mid-face lift works to re-contour and rejuvenate the area of the cheekbones and under the eyes. Incisions are generally hidden within the lower eyelid and inside the mouth above the upper gum line. At other times, an upper facelift may be the procedure of choice. This facelift procedure avoids the incisions behind the ears and posteriorly into the hair.

These facelift procedures are frequently combined with other procedures such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery, the “weekend” neck lift and/or liposuction in the area under the chin. In certain individuals, a combination of less invasive procedures is all that is needed. A thorough exam is necessary to determine which procedure or combination of procedures would be required to optimize individual results.

Facelift Surgery

It is important to realize that there are numerous facelift surgical techniques. These range from superficial skin re-draping and fat contouring to tightening of the deeper connective tissue just over the muscle layer known as the SMAS ( superficial muscular aponeurotic system ). Often fat is harvested by syringe from a remote area, processed and transfered to volume depleted areas of the face in conjunction with the facelift procedure. Other facelift techniques include the separation of the facial tissue from the bone and then repositioning and securing this facial tissue in a better position before re-draping the skin and removing the excess. In general, a layered technique will place the majority of tension on the deeper tissues, allowing a gentler re-draping of the skin. The idea is to correct the foundation and simply redrape the skin without tension. This facelift technique results in a natural, more youthful appearance without tell-tale signs of plastic surgery. Understand that no single technique is appropriate for every patient. As each face is unique, the most appropriate facelift technique or combination of techniques must be adequately determined to optimize each individual result.

Traditional Incision

Limited Incision

At the Aventura Center in Miami, the exact placement of the facelift incisions will varies from patient to patient, at the discretion of Dr. Sam Gershenbaum. These incisions are planned and made to be as inconspicuous as possible. All incisions are closed with small sutures (stitches).

Procedure time for a facelift will vary greatly depending on the surgery, the extent of surgery, and the choice of techniques. A facelift may generally last from four to six hours or longer at times.

Contact Dr. G. Cosmetic Surgery, located in Brickell, Miami, for a facelift consultation.