Butt Augmentation (Implants) Before & After Photo – Case 101
25 year old female from Miami, Florida over 1 year after butt implants, liposuction and fat transfer to the lateral buttocks performed by Dr Sam Gershenbaum. She is thrilled about her dramatic change in shape, her full round butt and narrow waistline.
Butt Augmentation (Implants) Before & After Photo – Case 102
27 year old female from Miami, 4 months after subfascial butt implants and liposculpture of her hips and waist. Note the improved curves and contour on the oblique view.
Butt Augmentation (Implants) Before & After Photo – Case 103
26 year old female from Atlanta, Georgia two months after buttock implants and liposuction. Notice the improved contours especially on the oblique view.
Butt Augmentation (Implants) Before & After Photo – Case 104
41 year old female from Palm Beach, Florida one year after Butt Implants and Brazilian Butt Lift, performed together at the same time by Dr Sam Gershenbaum. The Brazilian Butt Lift combines Liposculpture with Fat Augmentation of the Butt. Round soft, solid silicone implants where placed with in the muscle. She is truly thrilled with her new results.
Butt Augmentation (Implants) Before & After Photo – Case 105
26 year old female from Jacksonville, Florida over one year after gluteal (butt) implants performed by Dr Sam Gershenbaum. She has smooth, round soft solid silicone implants placed within the gluteal muscle. Implantec round, size 3. She laughed as she told the story of everyone at a Vegas pool party commenting her on her perfect butt. She states that she is so happy she did the surgery.